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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Words from the Peacock: 2010 Year in Review and Friends and Family are Blessings.

I know its been awhile but life has been moving like a speeding car and I forgot to get off of it and enjoy some me time on here with you. I have so much to talk about but don't know where to begin so I think I will focus on 2010. 2010 was an interesting year and packed with excitement.  The start of the year I can't say was a good one. Both my brother in law and my brother split from their wives both after 10 years of being together. It wasn't a good start and it was hard to see them suffer. But I believe everything happens for a reason.

Logan turned 12 in January and Guy had his 40th birthday in April. Wow that was a milestone and of course I can't help but rub it in that he is older than me and ask if hes suffering from the OLD disease. I celebrated my 34th birthday so I can bug him about age.

In February we added to our family. Guy was coming home from work after the afternoon shift and he was waiting for the bus by the animal shelter. He could hear a small cry and see something in the shadows but couldn't see what it was. He did go up to the Shadow and saw it was a beautiful Beagle. She is adorable. She was cold and scared but when she saw Guy she went down and crawled over to him like she was in trouble. He gave her some love and she returned it to him. He brought her home hoping I could find a loving family for her but as soon as I saw her she stole my heart. I took her for a walk around the corner of our house and went back to the house and informed Guy we were keeping her and her name was going to be Isabella Grace and we would call her Bella. She has been my little buddy ever since and our Puggle Jack just adores her. They are best friends and I would say girlfriend and boyfriend. It warms my heart seeing them together and best of all Logan loves her to. I call her Bella or Hells Bells, not that she is a wild dog or anything but the total opposite she is so loving and caring, graceful and a big suck. Logan calls her Moose because she had gotten bigger and she doesn't watch where she is going at times. She brings our family of fur babies to 3 dogs and 5 cats.

Logan as always has been a good boy and every day I'm prouder of him. Last year he went threw a big growth spurt and at 12 was over 6 feet tall with men's 13/14 size shoe. He has awesome grades and made the volleyball and basketball teams. He had an awesome year and this year is starting out to be just as good for him.

Summer was awesome with spending time with friends and family. Summer is always my favorite time of the year. In June I was lucky enough to go to Toronto with 2 of my friends to see all 3 of the Twilight movies. I love love love Twilight. Logan says I have a mild addiction to it lol. He is a funny funny young man.

The last half of 2010 was pretty steady with work and life the year went by fast. I was blessed to get a friend request on Facebook from a relative in England and from there I have found many of my pappys family that I would of never had a change to get to know if it wasn't for Facebook. It is nice to see and hear from them about  their families and about their life. I can't wait to hear more. Alll and all 2010 was a good year

Friends and Family

I have to say I am very blessed to have such great friends and a family that loves me. I think I have the best friends in the world. I want to thank them for being there for me and I can't wait to see what 2011 has to bring for us all.

These are the words from the Peacock